Reading Assignments

Below is a listing of course reading you will read throughout the quarter. When writing your essay please respond the discussion question below the due date. you will hand in a one-page (double spaced) critical essay in response to the assigned reading.

Your writing must be proofed, have a specific goal or point of view, and be executed in a way that effectively communicates this.

Advice: Have a well written introduction, a thesis statement, have intro sentences in each paragraph that support your statement and have a strong conclusion.


Article 1- Due Monday, April 4th
"Discuss the significance of the artifact and how it plays a role in information/exhibition design."

Exhibit Design: The Language of Artifacts

Designing with Folk Art, by Alexandra Lange


Article 2- Due Monday, May 2nd
"Discuss how Appelbaum and Associates used pathways and open spaces to engage the user in the information along with metaphors to enhance space."

Information Architects, Richard Saul Wurman, Chapter Raulph Appelbaum
(article available on Blackboard)


Article 3- Due Monday, May 16th
"Discuss how audience and culture play a key role in designing the space."

Contextualizing Culture, by Joanne Jones-Rizzi
(article available on Blackboard)

For reference Argyle Design


Article 4- Due Wednesday, June 1st
"Discuss the nature of interactive components within an exhibition space. Discuss the pros and cons of interactivity within the the context of an exhibition."

Interactive: Coming to a Space Near You, by Joe Shepter
(article available on Blackboard)

For reference Discussion on Ineractivity


