spu | vcd portfolio seminar

Don't forget what you did on the project and what the objective was.
One way to remember is go back to the course project description.

Collaboration is GREAT. It is okay if you give a framework to the project (is small samples or photos of the project) and then highlight the work you did on the project.

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5

When you put your work together in your portfolio you need to develop a story or narrative. Perhaps it is centered around two themes.. strong conceptual and typographic skills... then when you organize your work in your portfolio you can tell how each of these peices relates to your theme. I think this will help the interviewer remember specific strengths about YOU.

Do Not organize your work chronologically and by YOUR favorite peices. Organize your work by the skill sets needed for the job posting.

When showing work that is part of a team collaboration, you can put smaller images on the page from the team, but use a larger image that you completed in a dominant position. It is important to show the collective process.

Also, interveriewers love to see process sketches (but present those neatly as well.

When talking about your work think of the acronym PAR-Problem. Action. Result... what was the problem or challenge given to you, what action steps did you take to try to solve it and discuss what results took place.


Advice from Jordan Bonney (pdf)

Jordan Bonney's Web Portfolio

SPU 2013 Seniors

Text for "Case Studies" see Pentagram's website